Tuesday 27 January 2015

Who Is My Baby's Daddy?

Hey You,

People really go through tough situations. Who hasn't been through a circumstance that he/she at the time felt like that topic of discussion dare not come into play when it comes to confiding in a friend?
We probably think that our secrets are the dirtiest in town but HONEY,wait till you hear about what cockroach your neighbour has in his/her closet.........(LOL) then you will realise that no one is perfect and that your situation is minute when compared to what someone somewhere is going through. You may even have the answer to their worries.........who knows?
Talking about dirty secrets (little or large),here is another one,do not hesitate to share your thoughts after reading......

"As a high class babe who needed to keep up my appearances, I was dating numerous men at a time (single and married) and so I lived and sustained myself for a long time until I met this young man who just came into the country and fell in love with me. He was single and I can as well say that I fell in love with him since we got along well and I decided to do away with my numerous men except  one I liked very much and had been with longest before I met this new in town young man.
I and my new boyfriend got serious,he took me home to his mama nd we had started making future plans before he had to make another business trip to come back a few months time.
After he travelled, I realised I was pregnant and I initially didn't know what to do as I was having unprotected sex with both my boyfriend and my long time man friend who was married with kids. I weighed my options and decided that my boyfriend was responsible for the pregnancy. When I told him I was pregnant, he sounded happy over the phone and we started making wedding plans immediately.
At the time he returned, the wedding date ,colours, clothes and souvenirs had been chosen and purchased when he changed his mind and insisted that the wedding be postponed until after the baby is born and proven to be his child because he had been fed with rumours about my different affairs while he was away. I totally disagreed out of fear that the DNA test results will come out negative. He walked away without looking back and I went ahead to have the baby but I couldn't tell the true tale to people who asked about my baby's father.
My baby is a few years old now and I am as curious as my child to know who the father of my child really is,i can't seem to see the solution to this situation since I told the married man I was dating at that time that he wasn't responsible for the pregnancy when he found out and asked me about it. Will I have to live with it? I don't know what to do."

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