Monday 2 February 2015

Should He Marry His wife's Friend?

Hello You, 
 The first month of this year is gone. Hope you had a good start so far? Contrary to the opinion of a few,i choose to say that the year is still very fresh and we have almost eleven months ahead to achieve all that is in our hearts for the year. I know we can achieve anything with focus,hard work and especially God on our side,let's keep the hope alive............Happy New Month.

Today's DLS is about a man married to a beautiful lady he had been dating since their university days and after five years in marriage, he met another lady he felt very strong emotions for and coincidentally attended the same university he and his wife graduated from though she was a year ahead.He started an affair with this new lady and a few months later she was carrying his unborn child. His wife had not yet conceived and since he had genuine affection for this lady,he decided to marry her as a second wife but without the knowledge of his wife until further notice. *smiles*
People who knew him during his university days called him by a name different from what he is called by his new friends and colleagues. His wife calls him by the name she was use to since their university days and his wife to be knows and calls him by what his new friends and colleagues call him. He went ahead to meet the wife to be's family and made arrangements to have a proper wedding.
After the wedding date had been fixed and plans had been made with his family to be as discreet about the wedding as possible so that his wife is unaware of the matter at hand,he saw a picture of his new bride to be on his wife's phone and was shocked.
He couldn't summon the courage to ask about the picture for days initially out of fear that she probably knows about his rigmarole . When he finally asked about the picture without arousing suspicions, she explained to him that the lady was a friend she had in the university but that they had lost contact since the lady graduated before her and travelled out of the country almost immediately after she left school. His wife was all smiles when she said they reconnected recently in the line of work and that they had become better friends and that she is even involved in the planning of her friend's wedding and will like him to attend the wedding with her. 
The man was shocked and couldn't utter a single word. He had planned to tell his wife he was travelling on a business trip a month prior to the wedding. He picked up his car key,dashed out of the house and hasn't returned home to either his wife or bride to be since then................he doesn't know how to handle this complicated situation. 

Maybe i'll have the perfect solution to this secret if I were a man but as it is..........i'm far from been a man and totally yet to recover from the shock I got from this story. So, for now i'm going to let my computer (brain) sleep for a while and hopefully, there will be at least a good suggestion for this young man's situation when my consciousness is back......LOL
In the meanwhile, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts.........Have a swell week ahead.

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