Hey You,
People really go through tough situations. Who hasn't been through a circumstance that he/she at the time felt like that topic of discussion dare not come into play when it comes to confiding in a friend?
We probably think that our secrets are the dirtiest in town but HONEY,wait till you hear about what cockroach your neighbour has in his/her closet.........(LOL) then you will realise that no one is perfect and that your situation is minute when compared to what someone somewhere is going through. You may even have the answer to their worries.........who knows?
Talking about dirty secrets (little or large),here is another one,do not hesitate to share your thoughts after reading......
"As a high class babe who needed to keep up my appearances, I was dating numerous men at a time (single and married) and so I lived and sustained myself for a long time until I met this young man who just came into the country and fell in love with me. He was single and I can as well say that I fell in love with him since we got along well and I decided to do away with my numerous men except one I liked very much and had been with longest before I met this new in town young man.
I and my new boyfriend got serious,he took me home to his mama nd we had started making future plans before he had to make another business trip to come back a few months time.
After he travelled, I realised I was pregnant and I initially didn't know what to do as I was having unprotected sex with both my boyfriend and my long time man friend who was married with kids. I weighed my options and decided that my boyfriend was responsible for the pregnancy. When I told him I was pregnant, he sounded happy over the phone and we started making wedding plans immediately.
At the time he returned, the wedding date ,colours, clothes and souvenirs had been chosen and purchased when he changed his mind and insisted that the wedding be postponed until after the baby is born and proven to be his child because he had been fed with rumours about my different affairs while he was away. I totally disagreed out of fear that the DNA test results will come out negative. He walked away without looking back and I went ahead to have the baby but I couldn't tell the true tale to people who asked about my baby's father.
My baby is a few years old now and I am as curious as my child to know who the father of my child really is,i can't seem to see the solution to this situation since I told the married man I was dating at that time that he wasn't responsible for the pregnancy when he found out and asked me about it. Will I have to live with it? I don't know what to do."
Welcome to DLS' blog designed to share experiences that we ordinarily will not tell anyone about without the fear of been identified or stigmatised. We want the world to be able to share their views,learn as well as be entertained from secrets shared. We care about you.......yes YOU. LOL......what's your Dirty Little Secret? The dirtier the better.....*wink*
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Saturday, 24 January 2015
Man Stuck On Older Women
Hello You,
I've heard people try to come up with reasons to justify certain pattern in individual behaviour and i've read a few pages (LOL) that try to analyse the human behaviour as well as explain why some people find themselves following a particular trend unconsciously over a period of time or all their lives (Psychology sereren)......LOL.
Well,it is not my place to decipher why this young man turned out to be the way he is,not that I can't try..........maybe I will (just maybe) but one thing I sure can do is to share his story with you and hope that you can help him understand his situation better and possibly find a way forward . His story starts on the next paragraph.........*wink*
"Growing up as a teenager, I had my hormones raging and sex was a whole new revelation has my innocent was taken from me by a neighbour who was a few years older than me. I was 16years old at that time and by the time I was 20years, I felt like I was man enough and I explored every available opportunity but with girls of my age more or less,it didn't matter over the years until I met a woman I fell in love with at the age of 24.
As a young graduate that wanted to be an actor irrespective of what I studied in school,i attended auditions,got a few minor roles for starters but I was depressed cause I thought and still think i'm good looking enough for the movie industry (a requirement I had registered deep in my thick skull since my secondary school days), I am good at what I do and I thought getting the big break was taking longer than I anticipated. That was when I met this movie director who fell in love with me at first sight or so she said,she is married and I felt privileged to be loved by someone has beautiful and respectable as herself.
We started an affair that lasted about 3years and at the time she wanted us to quit,i was heart broken. I got jobs through her and she didn't stop me from dating ladies of my age, they just didn't appeal to me the way that she did. We became friends after the breakup and we never talked about our affair afterwards because I respected her wish and truly wanted her to be happy.
Overtime, I moved on and decided to date a few younger ladies (my age range) but the relationships were short lived. Older women are easily attracted to me. So I decided to date a few of them and it's been good every time (whether single or married) except that they don't acknowledge me to their friends as a lover or boyfriend and they don't want to stay with me after all said and done. What do I do?"
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Man Thinks Of Killing Friend Out Of Envy
Great day You,
Today's DLS is a story I consider quite common though I doubt a lot of people will attest to it. Anyway, i'll leave you to be the judge of that. Here is the story..............
"I really don't know how to explain my emotions towards my friend. We have been friends since our teenage years and we practically grew up together except that we didn't attend the same school until our university days. I love him and sometimes feel the need to protect him like an elder brother to his siblings.
Over the years, we have told ourselves almost everything that happens to us if not everything . We studied the same course in the University and we both did very well for ourselves which is why I can't seem to understand why I envy him. We are both good looking and comfortable but he seem to get the things I want. I am a bit reserved compared to my spontaneous and always active friend and I have been able to manage my envy of him until only he got a job we both applied for and he is engaged to the only girl i've cared about since our third year in the University. I remember telling him that I liked her before I introduced them and they got along really fast. She was close to us both and we all hung out together back in school. As much as I love them both,I can't stand seeing them together and i'm both ashamed and angry. I'm beginning to have dangerous ideas about how to handle the situation, it even crossed my mind to kill him and the girl will automatically be mine since we've been close friends since forever. I know I shouldn't have these thoughts and I really don't want to hurt anybody but I can't help it. This is my DLS...........what do you suggest I do?"
Today's DLS is a story I consider quite common though I doubt a lot of people will attest to it. Anyway, i'll leave you to be the judge of that. Here is the story..............
"I really don't know how to explain my emotions towards my friend. We have been friends since our teenage years and we practically grew up together except that we didn't attend the same school until our university days. I love him and sometimes feel the need to protect him like an elder brother to his siblings.
Over the years, we have told ourselves almost everything that happens to us if not everything . We studied the same course in the University and we both did very well for ourselves which is why I can't seem to understand why I envy him. We are both good looking and comfortable but he seem to get the things I want. I am a bit reserved compared to my spontaneous and always active friend and I have been able to manage my envy of him until only he got a job we both applied for and he is engaged to the only girl i've cared about since our third year in the University. I remember telling him that I liked her before I introduced them and they got along really fast. She was close to us both and we all hung out together back in school. As much as I love them both,I can't stand seeing them together and i'm both ashamed and angry. I'm beginning to have dangerous ideas about how to handle the situation, it even crossed my mind to kill him and the girl will automatically be mine since we've been close friends since forever. I know I shouldn't have these thoughts and I really don't want to hurt anybody but I can't help it. This is my DLS...........what do you suggest I do?"
Monday, 12 January 2015
Man's Secret Out After Dating For 5Years
Hi You,
It has been a beautiful Monday so far. Hope you had a great weekend and of course a fabulous day? Wish I can tell you how amazing my weekend was but do not worry,i may be generous enough to share my personal DLS for the weekend with you sometime........remember that's not a promise (LOL).
Have another DLS to share with you today but before I go on,i'll like to remind us that one of the major purpose of sharing these secrets is to get your earnest advice on how you think the people involved should handle the situation, not for criticism or tongue lashing.
Thanks for reading our secrets, you are the reason why we are here...........we care,I care. *smiles*.
"About 6years ago, a single lady in a serious relationship though with it's issues met a man that seem to meet all the criteria she wanted in a man she'll like to marry. After dating the new man for a few months,she was sure she wanted to put an end to the old relationship and she did.
The lady was happy about her new relationship and had no reason not to be,she felt like the luckiest girl in the world and talked about him constantly with her friends and family. The relationship grew serious and the man even visited her parents occasionally always assuring her that he wanted her for keep. The man travelled a lot and complained about not liking where she schooled (distance and environment).
At that time,they were in the second year of their relationship and she was in her third year in the university running a 5year programme. She left the school and enrolled in a private school he considered close enough just to please him since she didn't want to loose and he offered to pay her tuition fee. (Things we do for love) This lady was so in love with the man that she could never get herself to think the worst of him,no man aside him appealed to her and she always came up with an excuse for him when he did wrong. She was in her third year at the private university when she got pregnant for him and he was really excited about it or so it seemed since he gave her money for antenatal medical care and was ready to take responsibility for the baby but wasn't talking about marriage and had convinced her to stop schooling at this time till she delivered the baby,she got worried and finally decided to find out about his family since she didn't know anyone related to him. That was when she realised that the man with which she is expecting a baby and has been dating for over 5years had a wife and three beautiful kids,one of the kids already a teenager. She was overwhelmed by his deep betrayal and almost went crazy,she was depressed and confused,she couldn't even get herself to talk to her friends or parents about it. Her pregnancy is 4months gone now and she is totally dependent on this man,she is 27years old and doesn't know how to go about the situation "..........As it is,i think she is super strong to still be alive to tell the story because i'll probably be dead from shock if I were in her shoes (LOL)........that was a joke o,i'll like to consider myself a super woman.
I have a few ideas I consider a possible solution to our present mistress in distress' situation but i'll like to have yours. What do you have to say?
It has been a beautiful Monday so far. Hope you had a great weekend and of course a fabulous day? Wish I can tell you how amazing my weekend was but do not worry,i may be generous enough to share my personal DLS for the weekend with you sometime........remember that's not a promise (LOL).
Have another DLS to share with you today but before I go on,i'll like to remind us that one of the major purpose of sharing these secrets is to get your earnest advice on how you think the people involved should handle the situation, not for criticism or tongue lashing.
Thanks for reading our secrets, you are the reason why we are here...........we care,I care. *smiles*.
"About 6years ago, a single lady in a serious relationship though with it's issues met a man that seem to meet all the criteria she wanted in a man she'll like to marry. After dating the new man for a few months,she was sure she wanted to put an end to the old relationship and she did.
At that time,they were in the second year of their relationship and she was in her third year in the university running a 5year programme. She left the school and enrolled in a private school he considered close enough just to please him since she didn't want to loose and he offered to pay her tuition fee. (Things we do for love) This lady was so in love with the man that she could never get herself to think the worst of him,no man aside him appealed to her and she always came up with an excuse for him when he did wrong. She was in her third year at the private university when she got pregnant for him and he was really excited about it or so it seemed since he gave her money for antenatal medical care and was ready to take responsibility for the baby but wasn't talking about marriage and had convinced her to stop schooling at this time till she delivered the baby,she got worried and finally decided to find out about his family since she didn't know anyone related to him. That was when she realised that the man with which she is expecting a baby and has been dating for over 5years had a wife and three beautiful kids,one of the kids already a teenager. She was overwhelmed by his deep betrayal and almost went crazy,she was depressed and confused,she couldn't even get herself to talk to her friends or parents about it. Her pregnancy is 4months gone now and she is totally dependent on this man,she is 27years old and doesn't know how to go about the situation "..........As it is,i think she is super strong to still be alive to tell the story because i'll probably be dead from shock if I were in her shoes (LOL)........that was a joke o,i'll like to consider myself a super woman.
I have a few ideas I consider a possible solution to our present mistress in distress' situation but i'll like to have yours. What do you have to say?
Friday, 9 January 2015
Good Afternoon You,
Hope you had a wonderful night rest?.........I did if you care to know.
Last night, a friend shared with me a write up I consider deep,dark and sensual. It maybe difficult to understand it if you're not a deep thinker like me.............lol (Don't take that too seriously).
I totally fell in love with this creativity and I hope you love it as much as I do.......read it over and over again until you get the thrill I got from this beautiful,deep, dark and sensual mind.............*smiles*
"It's alive!
The monster of lust and desire, created by curiosity and wonder.
Fleshed by stolen kisses, embraces and warm hugs
Its soul gets its life from the effervescence of two personalities.
It's alive! The stuff dreams are made of, the stuff nightmares fear.
It's alive! The shadow and the darkness, that which must not be uttered.
The awakening of a being so toxic, so dangerous it ruins lives in its wake.
It's alive! The despair of knowing that two lost souls can conjure something so beautiful
It's awake! The knowledge that a glance can destroy a lifetime and knock one off its tangent.
That a mere look and exchange of numbers can lead to a path one thought was lost and should never have been found
It's alive! A being that eats it's young. Will we kill it or nurture it? Knowing that it will kill us in the end.
Our child, our monster, our beauty ,our fear. It will eat us alive.
It's alive!
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Man Leaves His Pregnant Wife And Wants His Family Back After 11years
Hello You,
There is nothing new under the sun they say and I believe. Why am I in shock most of the time when I hear these things that go on behind the happy faces we put up? It's bemusing to know that some people are going through hell but will rather keep up a facade because they have lived a lie for too long and/or the pain that accompanies their reality is so deep that they will rather keep up the appearances than have to face their fears .
Now,i am going from shocked to impressed by this man's decision to face his fears and make right his wrongs. How he's going to fix this situation is what i'm yet to figure out..........oh! I almost forgot that's why you are also here,let's help figure out the best solution together. *smiles*
Here is his DLS........
"About 13years ago, he met a lady he fell in love with and he didn't hesitate to marry her immediately . They lived a comfortable life and were happy together until they experienced some serious financial crisis. He thought it was sudden and should be tackled spiritually since all of his manly wisdom to make ends meet had failed and his unborn children were on the way at the time.
This man decided to go for spiritual direction from a pastor a friend had told him about. The pastor told him the only way to end his misery was to leave the country without the knowledge of his wife till he finds his feet.........(whatever that means).
He told only his parents about what the pastor had told him and did exactly has he was told. His wife in Nigeria got worried,reported him missing to the police,went to his parents and friends but no one attested to knowing his where about. His parents told her repeatedly that they know he is alive but that they also haven't heard from him and didn't know more than she did.
His wife had their babies (a set of twin) and raised them without a word from his family for over 10years. She decided to move on after he called a year later to tell her that he was alive,she didn't re-marry but she is comfortable and even has a house of her own now he said.
The man on the other hand had been living in England as a single man with no history of family to his friends for the past 11years. He worked very hard and sent money home to his parents but didn't make enough to invest. Realising that his life hasn't been better of since tha past years, he wants his family back and thought it would be better late than never to retrace his steps but he doesn't even have the courage to dial her number."
What will you do as a man in his shoes? If you are the woman in this story,will you take him back?
There is nothing new under the sun they say and I believe. Why am I in shock most of the time when I hear these things that go on behind the happy faces we put up? It's bemusing to know that some people are going through hell but will rather keep up a facade because they have lived a lie for too long and/or the pain that accompanies their reality is so deep that they will rather keep up the appearances than have to face their fears .
Now,i am going from shocked to impressed by this man's decision to face his fears and make right his wrongs. How he's going to fix this situation is what i'm yet to figure out..........oh! I almost forgot that's why you are also here,let's help figure out the best solution together. *smiles*
Here is his DLS........
"About 13years ago, he met a lady he fell in love with and he didn't hesitate to marry her immediately . They lived a comfortable life and were happy together until they experienced some serious financial crisis. He thought it was sudden and should be tackled spiritually since all of his manly wisdom to make ends meet had failed and his unborn children were on the way at the time.
This man decided to go for spiritual direction from a pastor a friend had told him about. The pastor told him the only way to end his misery was to leave the country without the knowledge of his wife till he finds his feet.........(whatever that means).
He told only his parents about what the pastor had told him and did exactly has he was told. His wife in Nigeria got worried,reported him missing to the police,went to his parents and friends but no one attested to knowing his where about. His parents told her repeatedly that they know he is alive but that they also haven't heard from him and didn't know more than she did.
His wife had their babies (a set of twin) and raised them without a word from his family for over 10years. She decided to move on after he called a year later to tell her that he was alive,she didn't re-marry but she is comfortable and even has a house of her own now he said.
The man on the other hand had been living in England as a single man with no history of family to his friends for the past 11years. He worked very hard and sent money home to his parents but didn't make enough to invest. Realising that his life hasn't been better of since tha past years, he wants his family back and thought it would be better late than never to retrace his steps but he doesn't even have the courage to dial her number."
What will you do as a man in his shoes? If you are the woman in this story,will you take him back?
Friday, 2 January 2015
Pastor Sleeps With Sisters and other Single Church Members
Dear You,
The DLS I will be sharing with you in the next couple of minutes is a story that still has me baffled and afraid for the people involved. It is both amazing and shameful to know that there are still men who perpetuate such wickedness in this recent time of ours.........hmmm! The end time is indeed here.
"A man who pastors a big church known to everybody living in that neighbourhood as a good and generous man, a true man of God and an epitome of how a christian should live, recently got exposed and he turned out to be just the opposite of all that his disciples had believed him to be.
The lady who shared this DLS said her first observation was that the church has many unmarried ladies and divorced women,they all respected their pastor and held him in high esteem since he always went out of his way to support the members of his church financially.
This lady who is a member of the church and presently not married at the age of 30 claimed that she had been having an affair with the pastor since she was an adult (18years) until recently and has even had an abortion for him in the past. "I also know a few others like me who will not share this information with anyone but had at one time or the other had an affair with this pastor and we all still worship at this church" she said.
She also said that she had always thought herself lucky that the pastor chose her until she realised their were others and the stories started coming out when another member of the church who happened to be her friend found out that she and her sisters (how many sisters not specified) had been a victim of this bizarre situation. The sisters would not talk to themselves about it and would not tell their parents either"
Now,this confused lady wants our opinion on how we think best to handle this situation. "I cannot just go about spreading the news because no one will believe me and the other ladies and women involved will not tell their sides of the story because they do not want to be stigmatised and do not want to speak badly of the man of God. Besides, most of them are worried that the financial support will end" she said..............Hmmmmm *sigh*
Rumour had it sometime ago that the pastor was sleeping with some of the divorced women in the church but he addressed it on the pulpit and announced that it was a plot of the devil to bring confusion to the church.
She thinks these affairs may have something to do with them (ladies involved) not finding a committed brother to ask their hands in marriage.
What do you think?.......... Chai!! Dia ris God ooooo
The DLS I will be sharing with you in the next couple of minutes is a story that still has me baffled and afraid for the people involved. It is both amazing and shameful to know that there are still men who perpetuate such wickedness in this recent time of ours.........hmmm! The end time is indeed here.
"A man who pastors a big church known to everybody living in that neighbourhood as a good and generous man, a true man of God and an epitome of how a christian should live, recently got exposed and he turned out to be just the opposite of all that his disciples had believed him to be.
The lady who shared this DLS said her first observation was that the church has many unmarried ladies and divorced women,they all respected their pastor and held him in high esteem since he always went out of his way to support the members of his church financially.
This lady who is a member of the church and presently not married at the age of 30 claimed that she had been having an affair with the pastor since she was an adult (18years) until recently and has even had an abortion for him in the past. "I also know a few others like me who will not share this information with anyone but had at one time or the other had an affair with this pastor and we all still worship at this church" she said.
She also said that she had always thought herself lucky that the pastor chose her until she realised their were others and the stories started coming out when another member of the church who happened to be her friend found out that she and her sisters (how many sisters not specified) had been a victim of this bizarre situation. The sisters would not talk to themselves about it and would not tell their parents either"
Now,this confused lady wants our opinion on how we think best to handle this situation. "I cannot just go about spreading the news because no one will believe me and the other ladies and women involved will not tell their sides of the story because they do not want to be stigmatised and do not want to speak badly of the man of God. Besides, most of them are worried that the financial support will end" she said..............Hmmmmm *sigh*
Rumour had it sometime ago that the pastor was sleeping with some of the divorced women in the church but he addressed it on the pulpit and announced that it was a plot of the devil to bring confusion to the church.
She thinks these affairs may have something to do with them (ladies involved) not finding a committed brother to ask their hands in marriage.
What do you think?.......... Chai!! Dia ris God ooooo
Happy New Year
Hi You,
I am super excited that we all made it into the new year. I cannot thank God enough for my life, my family, friends and most of all,YOU.
Have you been told just how special you are this year? ......lol. I know the year is very fresh and NO,i do not think it is too early to appreciate you. So,if you haven't been told yet, I am privileged to announce to the world that you are very special and the reason I'm here.
Therefore, I pray specifically for you that this year brings you all the great and beautiful desires of your heart and that you experience peace,love, sound health and wealth like never before.........amen. I CARE
I am super excited that we all made it into the new year. I cannot thank God enough for my life, my family, friends and most of all,YOU.
Have you been told just how special you are this year? ......lol. I know the year is very fresh and NO,i do not think it is too early to appreciate you. So,if you haven't been told yet, I am privileged to announce to the world that you are very special and the reason I'm here.
Therefore, I pray specifically for you that this year brings you all the great and beautiful desires of your heart and that you experience peace,love, sound health and wealth like never before.........amen. I CARE
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