Friday 25 December 2015

Why Tell A Lie?

Dearest You,
Season's greeting to you my beautiful DLS reader. Feels like it's been forever since I was last here, believe me when I say that I've missed you just as much as you have missed me. Haven't you?.....Trust you have (my ever eager amebo)
Some people find it hard to believe that the stories I post here are true. I've had people ask me 'babe, where do you get these crazy stories from?' and I tell them 'seriously hun, these things happened and I have a face to every story posted on this blog so far'. Why tell a lie? *wink*
Today's DLS is about a lady who told too many lies since we were way back in school (university). It as never been my place to judge anyone's character cause I've got my flaws and I've come to learn to accept people just the way they are. Our personality and flaws make us unique in different ways. So, it's ok to be a beautiful liar if lying is your God ordained (I didn't mean that o, there is nothing beautiful about lying).
This lady happen to be very beautiful and she managed to maintain the status of a child from well to do parents. According to her, her parents and siblings were based in the USA and she was the only one in Nigeria. She went on with this charade of being financially spoilt for so long until we all (colleagues) believed, though we always felt that something wasn't right about her as she never received calls or got any visit from family members or parents especially and she was always on the look out for the next rich boyfriend to roll with. When in a distant relationship, she would tell whoever she was involved with that she schooled in Ghana instead of Cotonou.....hmmmm (some girls can lie sha).
She told these lies for so long that she didn't know where or when not to lie. She practically lied about everything and soon, we didn't know what was or wasn't true about her.
We were excited for her when she announced that she was getting married to this too much money fine young man based in Malaysia. It wasn't a lie this time as she really did get married but she had told the same lies as usual to the guy and his family. Wow! Her lies got her a man to commit............."men too can fall for lies sha" I thought.
After her first child, she started confiding in some of our colleagues about her live being miserable as her mother-in-law didn't like her. Sooner than expected, she had her second baby and the truth came gushing out. Mother-in-law, had been investing her as she also felt that something was amiss about her. A mother protecting her only son decided to call her daughter-in-law's friend who also happened to be a school mate, to ask about what school they attended and that one couldn't  answer the question as she didn't want to tell a lie about schooling in Ghana instead of Cotonou. "Why will anybody lie about something like that to someone he/she is going to spend the rest of his/her life with? For how long did she think she could keep up the lies? What did  she think will happen when they find out the whole truth?" These are the questions that come to mind when I think about her situation.
A friend walked in on her when she was saying to her neighbour in tears that things would have been different if she had a mother (shooo! she no dey USA again?). What if it was her mother-in-law who walked in at that very moment? What if it was her husband? The puzzle I can't seem to find any reasonable answer to is, why did she tell these lies in the first place?

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