Thursday 21 January 2016

Mother Or Murderer

Hello You,
This is me keeping the promise I made to you about a week ago, that is, bringing you the latest gist in my hood. The walls have ears they say and yes! i'm the ear in the walls around Don't be scared, I mean well and remember that I try not to be the judge. I just enjoy sharing these issues with you to get your opinion as well as possibly express mine. I can't wait to share yours too......"What's your dirty little secret?" *wink*

Alright! Let's cut to the chase. A young lady who has been married for only a few years recently became worried about her husband's change of attitude towards her. She said that she was initially not bothered as she thought that the sudden distance between them had been due to the increased work load he was dealing with at work as he told her once she tried to call his attention to the fact that they were growing apart. She never even considered that her husband could be seeing another woman as he had never shown any signs of infidelity (at least not that she knew of). She became more worried when he started keeping late nights constantly and would not come home sometimes. So, she began to think that there certainly was more to whatever was going on with him and whatever it was , she was going to find out.

She decided to speak with her mother about her husband's behaviour. Mother frowned at this behaviour seriously and began to think out loud "what has come over this boy? Or are you not making yourself available to him? Are you depriving him of sex? Could his family be bothering him already about your inability to get pregnant yet? Do you think he's seeing another woman?"
Mother told her not to worry but that she had to try sit him down and directly ask what the real problem was. She did as she was told but her effort was futile as her husband insisted that she had nothing to worry about.

After a few months, her husband stopped coming home and he refused to disclose his whereabouts. He took her calls only to say that he would call her back but didn't, or to say that he was busy. When she visited him at work he behaved nicely and told her that he would come home so they could talk. That night, he didn't go home but he picked her call and they talked, he apologised about his behaviour whispering that she deserved an explanation. Just before the call ended, someone walked in at the other end of the line and for some reason, the voice sounded like her mother's. She asked if that was her mum and the conversation was over. The confused lady immediately called her mother but her mum didn't take her calls.

She called her husband's number again and he picked. This time, he didn't wait for her to ask the questions before he said "Yes! I've been sleeping with your mum. That's what my attitude as been about, can't keep it a secret anymore." What?!!!....... (to be continued).

Thursday 14 January 2016

My Letter To You

Hi Beautiful, 
OMG! You can't begin to imagine how i've missed been here and as much as I want you to get it, I can't seem to find the words that best express how I feel to be able to do this one post. I'm sooo sorry that I made you feel ignored (abandoned for the extremists) and I bet you know that i'm missed you......YES YOU! 
The first month in year 2016 is running out so fast and I haven't even wished you a happy new year (what kind of friend am i?). I know that I can be terrible at these things sometimes (keeping in touch) but hey! you're always on my mind.

Henceforth, I promise to change and keep you looped in on every single dirty little secret going on in and around my life. I look forward to sharing yours too *wink*. Happy New Year love, I miss and love you silly. Have an amazing year with lots of breathe taking Don't go breaking hearts o, secrets can be healthy if you're keeping the right kinda secrets. I'm the wrong person to define right or wrong where secrets are concerned, i try not to be the judge........#Begoodberealbeyou. 

Mmmwwtchaaah........Now,let's do some catching up, I bet we have a lot to talk about but you first....."what's your Dirty Little Secret? "