Thursday 22 October 2015

Ever Been To A Tea Party?

Dear Reader, 
Ever been to a tea party? Hey,be sure we have the same kind of party in mind before you give me your big YES!............I as an individual cannot remember ever been invited to a tea party,maybe we don't fancy such in this part of the know how we love to party with the loud music and booze......naija things *wink* (lol,i love my country). In fact, if you think that you've got some talent in alcohol consumption and you happen to come from any other part of the world not Nigeria, ......hmmm! All I can say is,don't blow your trumpet until you have seen our brothers here drink. Trust me,we have some crazy boozers in the land and I have been fortunate to meet some of them in my life time. These guys drink round the clock and it got to a point that I had to conclude that highness has been erased from their dictionary, I can only pray for their liver. 

Back to the secret of the day,I ordinarily thought the term "Tea Party" meant sitting in a living room with friends, listening to soft music, having chit-chats and of course eating biscuits and tea. Little did I know that tea partying could also mean...........(lol,find out in the paragraphs to come as I share a friend's tea party experience with you).

"As a young married man who travelled a lot, i've come to realise that the things you think you understand may have a totally different meaning when you find yourself in a new environment. I enjoy travelling, i'm eager to meet and work with new people as well as explore every opportunity that presents itself (try not to let your imagination run wild on this one). So,when I had to relocate to Ivory Coast for a while to work,it was an experience I welcomed. It was for only a weeks so I didn't travel with my family. 
After my first week, I had already fit into the system. I had a good rapport with my colleagues and as a man with good looks,soon the ladies were on my case. A few weeks later,i already found a friend in a colleague. We talked about a lot of things aside work,she talked about her husband a lot and she once mentioned that she told her husband about me. We were just friends so I didn't think her husband will have a problem with it, which he didn't.
One day,as we leave the office she said "i'll like to invite you for a tea party at my house" and I immediately said "sure" thinking that it will mean sitting with other colleagues, unwinding and drinking tea. It was a week day and the tea party was suppose to happen over the weekend. Since I had never been to one,i decided to ask a male colleague about it. The male colleague first gave me a surprised look then he began to laugh,then he said "go for it". I asked for what the occasion will look like so i'm appropriately dressed and that was when he realised that I didn't know about what I was invited for. He explained to me that tea partying in their environment meant having sex with a person with his or her spouse present. I was shocked,i couldn't believe it,i left him speechless and went back to my lady friend to confirm. She thought I already knew when she invited me, she told me not to worry that herself and her husband had an understanding. She went further to explain that she would rather tea party than cheat on him and that he would rather do the same. When she asked if i'ld still like to come,i said YES . *smile*
On that faithful day,when I arrived at her house,i could barely breathe. I was still hoping that this was some kind of joke but my dream wasn't coming through as I arrived at the apartment. The lady walked up to me,gave me a hug and introduced me to her husband. I summoned courage to appear unshaken but my heart was racing in my chest. She told me to proceed upstairs and undress while she poured me a drink. When she arrived with her husband, she undressed and helped undress me. Her husband sat there and watched,i couldn't get an erection no matter how hard I tried. She was a beautiful woman and i've sometimes thought about this moment with her but I couldn't stop the crazy thoughts popping into my head as I tried having sex with her......some of the thoughts I had were "what if he hits my head with something and cuts off my little man?" "what if this was a set up and I was going to be sued?" 
To cut the long story short,i had sex with this woman with her husband present. It didn't turn out bad like I feared but's not a risk i'm ever willing to take again. Her husband shook my hand when we were done and said thank you for screwing my wife. (lol,those were not his exact words)"

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's an odd one I don't even know where to place. However, if it is what they do out there...then I gotta visit that country asap *smiles*
