Wednesday 24 June 2015

Will You Forgive? (In This Case)

Dear Reader,
Just as there are two sides to a coin so are there to every story which is why I try as much as possible as an individual not to judge a situation or a person based on a one sided story. I totally agree that we can all have our views and opinion of every situation based on how we perceive, understand or interpret the stories we have either heard or read but not without trying to get to the bottom of the matter.
Recently, I read a story about how a woman stabbed her husband after been married for only about a year and of course my first reaction to that news like that of many others was "OMG! Why on earth will she do that?". I read a few comments and I couldn't help but notice how people lashed out and crucified the supposed "demon possessed husband stabber"
Realising that the couple are people known to me,i decided to make my findings and came to know that they had had trust and insecurity issues from the onset of their marriage which has often times led to heated arguments between them until the wife recently found out her husband had impregnated another lady (aborted or not),which they argued and fought about until the husband strangled her out of anger and she defended herself with a knife stabbing him on the arm and thigh as it happened in the kitchen............hmmmmm(sigh).
This lady immediately realised that her husband was bleeding profusely, so she rushed him to the hospital and had been shuttling between home and the hospital since then,grateful to God that her husband is alive. I for one cannot judge this lady because I wouldn't know for sure what i'll do if I was in her shoes,i do not think she did the right think stabbing her husband but would it have been better if she allowed him strangle her to death? 
Now that the man seem to be recovering well,everybody around seem to have a prognosis for their marriage......."It is over" "They just have to go their separate ways".
What happened to forgiveness in marriage,counselling and making it work again? It's not like i'm preaching that but in this case,i feel that they were both wrong and irrespective of the consequences of their individual action,the parts played by both players in this script had if not same,similar impact on both of them.
Am I wrong?.........maybe, maybe not. if you are the man or the woman,will you forgive your partner and give your marriage a second chanc
Your opinion counts,you maybe saving a sister or brother from a disaster to come.........say something. 

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